Nan Tien Temple Tour 2003

Nan Tien Temple Tour 2003

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The #photographs on this page are from what we affectionately call Aki's Nan Tien Temple Tour that occurred at the Buddhist New Year Celebrations in 2003.

From an image making perspective, this set of #photographs from these two rolls of film, is a historic milestone for CADT Photography, in that this was the last time James shot with film and then scanned to digital. From this moment on James made a commitment to working entirely with digital technology which led to the purchase of a Nikon D70 Camera. 

"The Nan Tien Temple, Situated at Berkeley - a suburb of Wollongong in the state of New South Wales. It is one of the branch temples of Fo Guang Shan, founded in 1967 by Venerable Master Hsing Yun, which has over 200 branches worldwide. "Nan Tien" in Chinese, literally means "Paradise of the South". This is the biggest Buddhist temple in the southern hemisphere.

Since the opening of the temple in October 1995, it has become a new venue for local and international tourists and also acts as an important cultural centre bridging different cultures. Fo Guang Buddhism is rooted in the Mahayana tradition which emphasises that Buddhahood is within everyone's potential reach. Fo Guang followers strive to bring Buddhism into daily life and aptly term their faith "Humanistic Buddhism." From: Nan Tien Temple Web Page.

The Galleries, Above, contain a curated selection of Black and White images scanned from film and saved as 640px .jpgs. Larger size images are available for purchase on request.

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