These are photographs from the Equal Love Rally held in Perth on the 15 August 2014, straight after the Gaza Rally organised by the Friends of Palestine WA.
If you know how the organising of the rallies worked then you know, You can tell by who is there, who the Speakers were for the event. The #Greens WA and the WA Labor were famous for only people to attend if one of their MPs, the ones seeking re-election, could be given a gig speaking, making a campaign speech. #WAPol
Of course, this event was clearly held during campaign season, as someone who attended the organising meetings, I recall that during the non campaign seasons, there were many months that the ALP and the Greens WA parties didn't bother to show up.
Equal Love was always a grassroots movement in WA, that was not very well supported by the Major Gay Media that was aligned with the ALP. The absentee celebrities and MPs all jumped on the campaign once the plebacite campaign started and there was limelight to steal!
The success of the campaign to raise awareness and educate the public about this issue always stemmed from the grassroots people who month after month turned up and marched through the streets of Perth as a tangible support.